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Bath house with pool and salt cave

Tel.:+420 353 224 451 Tel.:+420 602 288 794 Email: Pod Jelením skokem 395/26 36001 Karlovy Vary

Inhalation with mineral water

Inhalation is a spa procedure in which medicinal substances enter the respiratory tract very quickly and their effects start almost immediately. In spas, mineral waters are most often used for inhalation, either alone or enriched with other substances that positively affect the patient's health. The effects of inhaled vapors depend, of course, on the specific composition of the mineral water. Some of them have an anti-inflammatory effect, while others moisten the mucus and facilitate its expectoration or increase the flow through the tube affected by inflammation, thus flushing out toxic substances. However, not only the properties of the mineral water or inhaled aerosol in general are important, but also the size of the dispersed particles, the duration of the procedure and the inhalation technique. Contraindications include acute shortness of breath.