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Bath house with pool and salt cave

Tel.:+420 353 224 451 Tel.:+420 602 288 794 Email: Pod Jelením skokem 395/26 36001 Karlovy Vary


  • Check – in examination

  • Follow – up examination

  • Prescription of the medicine   (extra charge)

  • Drinking treatment (recommended by doctor)

  • Blood pressure, blood pulse, temperature controls

  • Electrocardiogram (if doctor recommends it, extra charge)

  • Examination of glycemy from the blood (if doctor recommends it, extra charge)

  • Examination of urine (if doctor recommends it, extra charge)



Treatment therapies


Additional procedures (extra charge)

  • Prescription by doctor (150 Kč)

  • Foot Reflexology

  • Lava stones massage

  • Mobilisation of neck and head (testing, consultation, therapy.

  • Mobilization lumbar articulation (testing, consultation, therapy)

  • Mobilization shoulders (testing, consultation, therapy)

  • Mobilization of the knee (testing, consultation, therapy

  • Classical full body massage.

  • Magnesia bath

  • Cleopatra Bath